Full Body Spray Tan$65
Half Body Spray Tan$39

Spray Tanning Etobicoke

For spray tanning at Satisfaction Spa we use one of the best solutions on the market : That’so professional tanning solution. It beautifully colours skin into natural looking golden shade ( shade can be chosen to your desired level of sun kissed look), it will not look orange/yellow on your skin! Colour will last 5-7 days , gradually disappearing, without leaving spots. That’so solution has a pleasant scent, will leave your skin feeling hydrated , evenly coloured and does not cause any side effects.

Things to Do Before Spray Tanning:

  1. Exfoliate your skin a day before.
  2. Do not apply moisturizer/ oil / deodorant on the skin before spray tanning.
  3. Waxing/shaving should be done at least 24 hrs before the treatment.
  4. Wear loose close to your appointment.


After the Treatment:

  1. Do not shower or bath for 8 hrs after the treatment.
  2. Ones you so shower , use moisturizer/ oil to hydrate skin – it will prolong your tan.
  3. Colour can rub off your bedding- not to worry it will wash off!